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Clinic Locations

Troy Campus

44344 Dequindre Rd
Sterling Heights, MI 48314

877-232-8226 (877-BEAT-CANCER)

Beaumont Hospital, Troy is a 361-bed community hospital with full inpatient and outpatient services. In addition, the Professional Office Building houses physicians’ private practices and other hospital services.

Many of our outpatient services are now being offered at our Beaumont Medical Center, Sterling Heights, located directly across the street from Beaumont, Troy.

Royal Oak

3601 W. Thirteen Mile Rd
Royal Oak, MI 48073

877-232-8226 (877-BEAT-CANCER)

Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak is a 1,061-bed tertiary hospital, complete with inpatient and outpatient services, and several other buildings including:

-Imaging Center, housing X-ray and other radiology testing, and the Comprehensive Breast Center
-The Beaumont Cancer Center
-Renal Center
-Vascular Services Center
-Research Institute
-The Beaumont Heart Center
-Medical office building, housing physicians’ private practices and several other Beaumont services